Thursday, May 24, 2012


Is outsourcing good or bad? Business men will defend it and politicians will condemn it. But why is it done, it is because the opportunity cost of having someone else do the work for less than half to even 75%of what it would cost you to do only makes sense. Why not ship off all your work to someone who can do it equally as well and for cheaper and you reap all the benefits. The hottest trend and idea moving foreword for companies is how can we produce the same product for the least amount of money. This ties right into the idea of free market capitalism in which the individual person or business entity can go big and thrive. As well as lowering expenses and increasing revenue is the heart of outsourcing. SO why not outsource because if you want to turn this into a graph over the long run with outsourcing, that will lead to other countries developing and the level of wealth per person will rise creating a new market and expanding the global GDP.

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