Thursday, May 24, 2012

Foreign or Domestic?

Cars today have become a status symbol as well as an everyday necessity for many and with that most people are looking for quality. The old misconception was the American built meant long lasting and wont fall apart. While Japanese or Korean built meant cheap parts and cheap build. Today many people fail to realize that most Honda's, Toyota's, Kia's, and German cars are actually built here in the US and many US cars are designed and get parts from foreign countries. But despite all that "American" cars still seem to lose their value faster then foreign cars in today's market. But that is not all bad news because that means when shopping for a used car you the consumer are going to find a good reliable vehicle that will be cheaper then many other foreign cars. Will the demand for "American" cars rise or fall with today's economy? Only time will tell, but I am sure that the demand for "American" cars will be on the steady incline.

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